urbanistika.ee - the first myth of the city is that it exists


Thursday, October 19, 2006

tartu mnt

Biking around the newly finished tartu mnt, I realised it is the paradise for bikes and pedestrians-- now. Without the cars, both sides of the street seem quite close and reachable. The old feeling I got about it - looong and far - dissapears when the linearity is gone. But the cars, when they come, will mark the linearity again, as they usually do. I must admit, I enjoyed the street quite a lot. It is funny how wide and short it is.

The only cars I saw were the gardeners'. I wonder why they are actually putting flowers in late october? Its all part of the image of it being ready and beautiful for its opening. I feel bad about those tiny and defenseless trees, how they will survive the winter and the traffic with only half a meter away from cars and their snow.

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