urbanistika.ee - the first myth of the city is that it exists


Saturday, January 27, 2007



From 2nd till 3rd of February will take place in Albacete (Spain) the conferences under the title “Habitat5. Housing. New way of inhabitating”. Organized by Foro Civitas Nova, a very interesting initiative in research, knowledge exchange and awareness of housing and urban development.
Experts in different areas will analyze the habitats where we live from several perspectives: space, technology, social behavior, environment or flexibility.
Even if you cannot attend to the conferences, i would have a look on this web site. They have interesting material on urban studies.
Conferences site:
http://www.forocivitasnova.org/jornadahabita5i.htm (english)


Kalamaja on tallinna üks vanemaid eeslinnu, kuid selle praegune hoonestus pärineb põhiliselt 19. saj. lõpust 20. saj. algusest ning on ehitatud tüüpprojektide järgi. Ühetüübiliste majade kordumine tänavate ja piirkondade kaupa tekitab omapärase arhitektuurse atmosfääri, mida viimase paarikümne aasta jooksul on väärtustama ja taastama hakatud. Kalamaja blogi kutsub arutlema, kas ja kuidas peaks kaitsma sealset miljööd; kui palju on miljööväärtuslikus piirkonnas ruumi tänapäevastele lahendustele

Monday, January 22, 2007


The First International Conference of Young Urban Researchers (FICYUrb) will take place at ISCTE, in Lisbon – Portugal, June 11th and 12th, 2007. The organization of this scientific meeting was born from the will to create a space of interdisciplinary debate. Young researchers in urban studies that work and develop their researches on cities are expected to play a major role in this scientific meeting dynamic’s. The Conference is intended to be an adequate space to disseminate the most recent academic researches in urban studies from a wide range of disciplinary perspectives of the social sciences. While encouraging an international scientific debate, the Conference will provide a place of interchange between young urban studies practitioners and senior academics with a wide experience, especially those invited to the Opening and Final lectures in the meeting.

Call for papers:Those interested must send an abstract of approximately 250 words and a shortBiography-CV by March 16th , 2007. Papers in Portuguese, English, Spanish and French will be accepted. Authors will be noticed by April 2nd , 2007 . Completed Papers expected by May 14th , 2007.Guidelines for authors will be sent soon.

Further information: