urbanistika.ee - the first myth of the city is that it exists


Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Urban Probes: Encountering our Emerging Urban Athmospheres

Part of the Urban Athmospheres research program, Urban Probes is a project from Intel Research Berkley described as:

-A lightweight, provocative, intervention methodology designed to rapidly deconstruct urban situations, reveal new opportunities for technology in urban spaces, and guide future long term research in urban computing.

Urban Probes draw large inspiration from the work of several leading researchers in developing technology probes and domestic probes. Such probes combine the social science goal of collecting information about the use and the users of the technology in a real world setting, the engineering goal of field-testing the technology, and the design goal of inspiring users and designers to imagine new kinds of technology to support their needs and desires.

Urban Probes complements these bodies of work by addressing similar themes with respect to urban life. As technology moves from office to home to street, we want to avoid bringing along with it 'workplace' values such as efficiency and productivity at the expense of other possibilities. Urban Probes provide methods that aid researchers in gathering fragmentary glimpses into the rich texture of people's daily urban street life...
- taken from the original website

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