urbanistika.ee - the first myth of the city is that it exists


Friday, November 24, 2006


What is really the vision of Tallinn as a City?

Is Tallinn a Global City? Should it BE a Global City? What is a Global City?

"City as Eternity"

How to "import brains"? Why "importing brains"? What to do with the "imported brains"?

Irony within the Major of Tallinn

Tallinn wants to marry Helsinki?

post your comments and opinions of the Tallinn Vision Conference!

Official website


ines said...

I don't know where to find information about those conferences you talk about.
Cares anybody to help me? Thanks

Regina said...

ines, you didn't notice the link lilia had put in the post (http://www.tallinn.ee/visioonikonverents/)

it's the Tallinn Vision Conference that the city council has organized for at least 3 (?) years alreay.
this year it took place last thursday.
in theory it's "an event addressing important issues regarding the development of City of Tallinn.
A total of nearly 1000 participants took part in presentations, discussions and workshops".

yea, in their dreams.

by the way, in the concluding speach one of the vice-mayors gave, he said:
"usually we haven't taken into further account the topics that rose in the vision conference but this year we'll make an exception and will turn attention to some of the issues that were brought up today".
can there be bigger nonsense?

Sukhdev Kaur said...

what a wonderful exception- i wonder how really they are going to turn attention to them?
in my opinion, there was just a presentation of a lack of vision..
im looking forward to the development of such a nonsense